Category: In Depth

Why design matters

Design is more than just visual aesthetics. Done well, it can be a powerful force influencing how we interact with the world, solve problems, and communicate. Design can shape our experiences, build trust, enhance functionality, and even change our behaviours. Often it is at its best when we don’t notice it at all, writes Design Manager Jack Carty.

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Indigenous experts urge a timely check on organisational safety and wellbeing

Supporting wellbeing at the organisational level is becoming increasingly important as work in Australia has changed, with increased mobility, travel, digitisation, and the blurring between home and working lives. Particularly post pandemic. The way that organisations manage wellbeing also needs to change.

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Sector Leader Magazine is published by the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC).

We welcome submissions from our Members, Associates and Affiliates on the great work being undertaken within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisation Sector. 

If you would like to contribute story ideas for consideration or comment on items in the current issue, please contact our Communications Team at Previous issues can be viewed online at

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that this publication may contain images or names of people who have passed away.