Category: Mob Health

Queensland’s ACCHO sector: What we want for our future

The ACCHO sector is proud of the vital and necessary role it plays in the Queensland health sector. From the Torres Strait to the Gold Coast and as far west as Charleville and Mt Isa, the ACCHO sector provides comprehensive, holistic and culturally safe primary health care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in remote, regional and metropolitan areas.

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Cape and Torres leaders hail milestone incorporation of new community-controlled health commissioning entity

Community leaders from the Cape and Torres regions have welcomed the incorporation of the Cape and Torres Health Commissioning Ltd (CaTHC), a new health care commissioning entity for the area. CaTHC is an independent, community-controlled regional health care entity which will commission health services based on evidence and local community input.

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Cape’s healthcare collaboration wins state reconciliation award

THE Cape York Kidney Care (CYKC) program has won the Health and Wellbeing category of the Queensland Reconciliation Awards.

To address the high rates of kidney disease and kidney failure needing dialysis in First Nations communities, Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service (TCHHS) partnered with Apunipima Cape York Health Council in 2019 to reach six communities: Weipa, Napranum, Mapoon, Aurukun, Pormpuraaw and Kowanyama.

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Sector Leader Magazine is published by the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC).

We welcome submissions from our Members, Associates and Affiliates on the great work being undertaken within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisation Sector. 

If you would like to contribute story ideas for consideration or comment on items in the current issue, please contact our Communications Team at Previous issues can be viewed online at

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that this publication may contain images or names of people who have passed away.