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  • Queensland News
  • National News
  • State Reforms

Why design matters

Design is more than just visual aesthetics. Done well, it can be a powerful force influencing how we interact with the world, solve problems, and communicate. Design can shape our experiences, build trust, enhance functionality, and even change our behaviours. Often it is at its best when we don’t notice it at all, writes Design Manager Jack Carty.

Historic launch for new health commissioning entity for Cape and Torres

The Cape and Torres Health Commissioning Ltd (CaTHC) Board was excited to formally launch a new health commissioning entity for the Cape and Torres Region in September. A special event at the Tanks Art Centre in Cairns, saw representatives from both levels of government, alongside ACCHO sector leaders and the CaTHC board, celebrate the launch of Cape and Torres Health Commissioning (CaTHC).

Shaping the future: QAIHC’s Member Engagement Roadshow progress

QAIHC has been on an incredible journey over the past two months, engaging with 20 Members across Queensland as part of its Member Engagement Roadshow. This initiative will help shape QAIHC’s Operational Plan for QAIHC’s Ten-Year Blueprint 2024–2034 — a 10-year vision for the future of Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled health organisation (ACCHO) sector.

In Depth


Why design matters

Design is more than just visual aesthetics. Done well, it can be a powerful force influencing how we interact with the world, solve problems, and communicate. Design can shape our experiences, build trust, enhance functionality, and even change our behaviours. Often it is at its best when we don’t notice it at all, writes Design Manager Jack Carty.



Young gun: Keiron Lander takes the lead at ATSICHS Brisbane

Every year, Keiron Lander packs a swag and goes bush with his mates, camping and fishing around different Aboriginal nations across Queensland. “It’s my passion. I travel around the different nations, from Burketown to Mount Isa, then I come down to Windorah,” he said. That’s my downtime where I switch off and refresh mentally and spiritually and come back a different person.”


Deadly Viewing


Deadly Listening



Sector Leader Magazine is published by the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC).

We welcome submissions from our Members, Associates and Affiliates on the great work being undertaken within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisation Sector. 

If you would like to contribute story ideas for consideration or comment on items in the current issue, please contact our Communications Team at communications@qaihc.com.au. Previous issues can be viewed online at qaihc.com.au

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that this publication may contain images or names of people who have passed away.